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Active in the non-market sector since his teenage years, Emmanuel defines himself as an "optimistic optimist with only one fear: that of having to be accountable to the man he could have been". Even before turning 18, he took part in the "Belgium-Africa Challenge" (since then became the D.B.A. NGO) and later became a founding member of the non-profit organisation Quartier Jeunes, active in developing countries as well as in other countries. among the most disadvantaged in Belgium.

An industrial engineer in electronics (E.C.A.M. - 1995) and a graduate (master) in business management (I.C.H.E.C. 1997), Emmanuel DECARPENTRIE initially held several positions in the telecommunications and computer networks sector.

These functions were initially related to "after-sales" problem solving, but quickly evolved into the technical training of engineers in this sector - computer networks. After seven years of experience, six of which at Cisco Systems, Emmanuel decides to reorient his career towards the audiovisual sector, which is undergoing a transformation by the massive adoption of digital technologies for both sound and the image. He followed the SAE film training in 2004.


Since then, he has been working as a "director of photography" for multi-camera captures of operas in Belgium, France, Italy and Spain. He has also produced numerous reports for the TV magazine "Le Beau Vélo de Ravel" and "Ravel at the end of the world", as well as the "Belgians from the end of the world" and "Bike for Africa", all of them broadcast on the one (RTBF).


In parallel, he teaches at the SAE (light, digital cameras, framing, post-production image). He now has a good command of the technical aspects of image narration and does not hesitate to share his knowledge with all those who, like him, are passionate about this Art.

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